Related Secular Organizations

These organization share similar goals and aspirations as the Secular Hub.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

FFRF-Denver is a non-profit 501(c)3; their mission is to safeguard the constitutional provision of church/state separation, and to educate those in the community on this issue.

Boulder Atheists

A Social Community for atheists, agnostics, rationalists, free thinkers, skeptics, and secular humanists. Their motto is "no gods, no devils, no heaven, no hell, just the wonderful universe around us."

Jefferson Humanists

Their mission is to expand an ethical and life-affirming Humanist community devoted to science, reason, inclusion and social responsibility. The Jefferson Humanist Chapter of the American Humanist Association was founded in January 2014 and is located in Jefferson County, Colorado.

Pikes Peak Atheists

Pikes Peak Atheists & Pikes Peak Atheist Families provides weekly opportunities for socializing, community building, education, discussion and community service for all nonbelievers in the Pikes Peak region. Activities for adults, families and kids are regularly available in their group.

Atheists Helping the Homeless - Denver

Atheists Helping the Homeless Denver is a direct action organization that seeks to help people in need in our community, and to show that religion is not a requirement for acts of compassion.

Recovering From Religion - Denver

Doubt your beliefs? Have questions about changing or leaving your faith? You are not alone, and they are here to help. Learning how to live after questions, doubts, and changing beliefs is a journey. Recovering from Religion is intimately familiar with this path and are here to help you to cross that bridge. Our passion is connecting others with support, resources, community, and most of all, hope.

LifeRing - Colorado

LifeRing Secular Recovery is an abstinence-based, worldwide network of individuals seeking to live in recovery from addiction to alcohol or to other non-medically indicated drugs. In LifeRing, they offer each other peer-to-peer support in ways that encourage personal growth and continued learning through personal empowerment.

Freethinkers in AA

A Secular, Non-religious Expression of Alcoholics Anonymous. Freethinkers in A.A. is a registered group with Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., and included in international listings of Alcoholics Anonymous Groups.