Secular Speakeasy

When: Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 7:00pm

Secular Hub
254 N. Knox Ct.
Denver, co, 80219

The Starving Oligarchs Jazz Band will perform jazz standards for a mellow crowd on the first Saturday of every month. As always, we’ll keep the volume low enough that the folks in the crowd can enjoy either the music or good conversation with their friends.

BYOB and food and enjoy the atmosphere.

Please note: Many "Hub regulars" come to the Speakeasies without making a Meetup RSVP, so don't let a small number of "attending" shown below dissuade you from giving this regular event a try.

(Art provided by single prompt queries to ChatGPT / Dall-e 3...usually has typical AI-induced flaws)

Meetup event page