Secular Hub
254 Knox Ct.
Denver, co, 80219
2.0 in this case stands for improving our already skilled game! We're ready to level up in Denver Riichi Mahjong 2.0. In this group, we plan to improve our Japanese mahjong terminology, strategic techniques, speed and hopefully to total our own hand value.
Don't know how to play riichi mahjong but want to learn? Join Meetup and RSVP to Denver Riichi Mahjong. Beginner classes are available every first and third Saturday of each month from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm MST at Elysium Café & Games.
Also, you can hone your skills by practicing on any online riichi mahjong client like Tenhou, Mahjong Soul, Riichi City, etc. How do you know you're a 2.0 player? When you can consistently survive in the Mahjong Soul 4-Player Gold Room or equivalent or above. If you don't already play any of the above clients, download one, live it, love it and hopefully we'll see you at the Secular Hub every second and fourth Saturday of each month from noon to 4:00 pm MST.